jin rui
jerry huang
An avid swimmer, Jin Rui Huang, or Jerry, is a technology enthusiast who is determined to implement AI and Smart Devices to design products that improve the lives of others around him. He believes that technological progress has stagnated when it comes to the design of technologies we use every day and that increased innovation would increase the quality of life for everyone.
My Story
Jerry fondly remembers one of his favourite growing-up stories when he was three years old, he used to walk to daycare with his grandparents. He had a habit of eating a banana every day when he was walking to daycare. However, one day his grandfather threw out the banana that he was eating before he had finished it. As a result, he threw a fit and demanded that his grandfather search the garbage bin to find the banana and have him finish it. As any rational guardian would, his grandfather tried to gently coax him away from the garbage bin, however, being the child that he was, he refused and only became more desperate. Jerry is an only child, and at the time, he believed that everything was rightfully his refused to give up anything and was often greedy. However, once his grandfather had forced him up to their apartment, it was only then that Jerry realized that his grandfather had prepared for him a variety of snacks that he wouldn’t have been able to consume had he finished the banana. From this seemingly trivial experience, Jerry learned that to attain some things, it’s important to be able to let go of and move on from other things. Additionally, he learned the qualities of being able to share and be more generous. He was also able to learn to care for others’ feelings and view problems from a different perspective, as he realized his wrongdoing in demanding his grandfather search the garbage bin. When Jerry was 6 years old, he moved from China to Canada. When he first arrived, he experienced a bit of a culture shock as life was completely different from the one that he used to live in China. For nearly two years, Jerry had no social life, not talking to any teachers or classmates and therefore he had horrible marks and no friends. However, as he grew more and more familiar with the English language and his surroundings, he built more relationships with his teachers and classmates. Even though he struggled at first, Jerry’s move to Canada taught him the skill of perseverance and that it is never too late to start doing something as well as the importance of relationships.
Currently, Jerry is studying for an IB+OSSD High School Diploma at Upper Canada College graduating in 2026. He has participated in several competitive mathematics contests, performing exceptionally on the Waterloo Math Contests across several years. Jerry is a competitive swimmer who has achieved top municipal and provincial meets placements. He has also taken courses through the Johns Hopkins Center For Talented Youth, completing Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry with distinguished honours. Jerry also has over 250 hours of volunteer service most notably with the non-profit organization Kids to Kids. Jerry holds several lifeguarding and first aid certifications and has applied these skills in leadership roles as a volunteer and assistant counselor at various summer camps.
Looking ahead, Jerry hopes that he can attend a great university to pursue his interests in computer science and business. Using the knowledge he has acquired in university, he hopes that one day he can become a successful entrepreneur and make products that will benefit the lives of others.